I cannot remember when I started to enjoy reading. To read for the sheer pleasure of living in that well woven story and beyond. I cannot...

13 May 2015


I hope the sun blisters your perfect size nose.
I hope you get lost and never find your way back to her arms.
I hope lightening strikes your balls and leprosy finds a home in your penis.
I hope jiggers infest you tongue so you no longer enjoy your meals.
I hope the police confuse you for a terrorist. I hope  your only escape be to the Chalbi desert where even the scorpions detest your presence.
I hope you slip and fall into a deep sewer and spend a month trying to swim out. I hope then, even death rejects you.
I hope you encounter pirates on that cruise you spend seven years saving for. I hope they offer your skin as sacrifice to their ancient gods. I hope they marry wives from cannibal tribes. I hope they offer  your fattened belly as dowry.